Sunday School
About Our Classes
Sunday School is a great chance to delve deeper into God's Word with one another. We offer several different types of classes, based on your language preference, as well as age.
Like many other ministries, Sunday School provides opportunities to not only be blessed, but also bless others. If you are interested in learning about ways you can help in this ministry, feel free to talk to any of the pastoral staff for more information.
First Hour (9:30-10:45am)
Children and Youth Classes
All children and youth join together for a 15 minute opening time, after which they are dismissed by class with their teachers, learning about the Bible in age-appropriate ways. Parents are welcome to check out the classes with their children, and to get to know the great teachers.
English Adult Classes
The Sunday school class for adults is a time to learn what God's Word says and to apply it to our lives. The atmosphere is informal and the discusion of pertinant relevant topics is encouraged.
Second Hour (11:15am-12:30pm)
Cantonese Adult Classes
All Cantonese speaking adults are welcome to attend Sunday School after worship service for a more in-depth study of the Bible. There are currently four classes, one on the study of the Old Testament, one on the study of the New Testament, one for special topic, and one for spiritual development.
Children's Church
Those in K-5th grade attend the first 15 minutes of the English worship service where they participate in worship through singing, playing tambourines, and our twice a month Children's sermon. The children are then dismissed with their teacher to Children's Church.
Mandarin Adult Classes (2:30-3:30pm)
Mandarin Sunday school is conducted by experienced teachers to systematically study the Holy Bible. The purpose is to help students learn the truth about God and attributes of God. It is to strengthen their faith to follow God's will and teaching, and to live it out in daily life. It also encourages growing of their spiritual life, glorifying God and helping others. Current Sunday School study focuses on the New Testament.